December 21, 2009

Welcome Garden

People and plants in the patio, originally uploaded by blmurch.

Centro Cultural Recoleta in conjunction with the French Embassy and Curator Sonia Berjman put together a beautiful and thorough exhibit on Parks Master Carlos Thays. It ran from the beginning of November through to the beginning of December. I was only able to go twice towards the end of the run, but I am so glad I went.

There were four different sections to the exhibit.

You walked into the first: the Jardín de Bienvendia through heavy plastic strips covering the doorway and were immediately struck by the full patio. Flowering plants covered the sides and climbed up the walls and a large net covered the whole area. This net kept the hundreds of butterflies from escaping. They flitted around, drinking from humming bird feeders, resting on the plants and even mating. As you looked closer you could see that one of the types of plants - milkeweed - was pretty thoroughly chomped. There were BIG fat yellow and black striped monarch caterpillars munching away on the milkweed leaves. I also saw some furry caterpillars which reminded me of the types of critters I saw growing up in Northern California.

This first section slid you into the beauty of the parks of Buenos Aires and led you perfectly into the next exhibit halls. I will write those up soon, in the mean time, enjoy the photos.

Jardín de Bienvenida
Jardín de Bienvenida, originally uploaded by blmurch.

Mating monarchs
Mating monarchs, originally uploaded by blmurch.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


Katie said...

I wish I could have seen the exhibit. It sounds like it was really nicely put together.

BTW, the black and yellow caterpillars in your photo are monarchs, and they are chomping on milkweed (monarchs' favorite food!). You can see one of their PA cousins in this photo.

Beatrice M said...

Katie, it was a wonderful exhibit and I plan to write up more posts about it in more detail.

Thanks for the deets on the caterpillars. That makes total sense as the place was full of Monarchs. I saw some tiny baby caterpillars next to large ones, the difference was amazing.

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